4 More Solid, Strategic Branding Tips


Last week, I wrote about two things a ghostwriter can do to help build a brand. Here are four more:

Develop a professional website. A ghostwriter can write the copy on the website, giving prospects a solid first look at your writing ability (and, yes, I wrote my website).

Not only that, but your website is where you highlight your expertise and your niches, tell your story of who you are as a ghostwriter and what type of client you want to attract, post testimonials, blog posts, and other writing samples, and invite people to contact you.

However, unless you also are adept at designing and coding, you’re going to need a top-notch web designer and search engine optimization (SEO) company. A talented web designer will ensure the site is easy to read, to navigate, and to contact you. 

I have found SEO to be far more valuable than word of mouth or networking. As my business advisor has said, “Show me somebody with a lot of referral partners and I’ll show you someone without a lot of clients.” 

For SEO, I recommend finding a company in this country that has its finger on Google’s pulse and uses white-hat methods to get you ranking high so more people find and contact you.

SEO and website design are admittedly pricey investments, but find the right ones, and one ghostwriting project pays for them while still leaving you plenty of profit.

Know what to say. Some writers can talk off the cuff; others need to be prepared. I’m in the latter category, so I make sure I know what I want to say to prospects. Early on, I want to know why they want to tell their story, who’s their audience, and what’s their story. In that order.

If their story is similar to a previous project, I make sure I tell them so. If I like what I hear, I want to be sure to tell them that I think their story is compelling and needs to be told, citing various reasons why. 

This cannot be you blowing smoke up their butts. This has to be honest and real. No BS allowed.

Later, I want them to ask me any questions they have about my process, my background, and my philosophy. 

All of this gives both parties a chance to feel the other out and see if they “click.” After all, if a ghostwriting project takes a year, both sides had better be willing to spend that kind of time together. 

Help with what’s beyond the manuscript. A ghostwriter’s expertise lies in the writing. But that doesn’t mean a ghostwriter can’t help a client find an editor, book designer, publisher, agent, marketer/PR firm, branding expert, website developer, media/public speaking coach, photographer, or anything else a client might want.

This is where having a network helps, but it has to be the right network. It’s easier for people to refer downstream than upstream, so it helps for a ghostwriter to know plenty of people who a client will need once the manuscript is finished.

And don’t forget to stay in touch with those people in your network.

Who do you want as clients? Finally, ghostwriters should price accordingly. The more upscale a client you want, the more you can (and should) charge.

When I started, my first ghostwriting project was $8,500. My next major project was $14,000.

While I was working on that second project, I attended a webinar in which the featured speaker announced we all were undercharging. What we should charge, he said, was double what we were already charging, plus 20%. So, I did that.

I also researched and found that any ghostwriter with any kind of reputation charges between $15,000 and $50,000, with celebrity works costing six or seven figures. I’m in that range.

A ghostwriter’s brand is something each ghostwriter has and will continue to have as long as they’re ghostwriting. It’s never a bad idea to make sure the brand is strong and right for you.

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