Why Journalists Make Great Ghostwriters

Nobody starts out wanting to be a ghostwriter. Something happens along the way that makes them want to pursue that vocation. For me, it came in stages.  First, I was a journalist. I wrote for two Los Angeles daily newspapers, in the sports departments, and I discovered a gift for getting people to open up…

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When a Ghostwriter Oversteps

There must be a high degree of trust between ghostwriter and client. Each must recognize and respect the other’s talents. Like with a marriage, the relationship between ghostwriter and client has ups and downs, pitfalls and pleasures, risks and rewards.  Either partner can throw things out of whack. Clients might typically try to take advantage…

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Ghostwriter, Co-writer, Co-author, or Collaborator?

I’ve previously written that between 50% and 90% of nonfiction books were ghostwritten. I’ve also found sources that say traditional publishing houses admit that 70% of all books were ghostwritten and 99% of celebrity-authored titles were. I’ve also previously written that if you see a “with” or “and” after the author’s name, followed by another…

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