1 Fine Ghostwriting Secret: Many are Journalists

I once wrote about why journalists make good ghostwriters. (See it here.) Little did I know that I wasn’t setting a ghostwriting trend but rather following one. And yet I should have seen it coming. Consider: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 77% of all journalism staff positions have been lost in the last…

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1 Unexpected Ghostwriting Secret: No Power Partners

Proof that ghostwriters have no referral partners

Last week at a networking meeting, it was time for introductions. The leader decided to put a twist on things and announced, “When you introduce yourself, make sure you list your power partners.” My eyes turned upward. I remembered how my career coach blew me away a couple of months earlier when he declared that…

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Should You Sign That 1 Dreaded NDA?

NDAs often require confidential information to be safeguarded.

How would you like it if you arrived at a date’s house and were asked to sign an NDA to commence the date? Would you sign it or walk away dateless? It is a similar question ghostwriters have to consider when entering into an agreement with a potential client: Are you okay with keeping things…

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Is 628 Words Big Enough to Focus?

Focus up, people! I recently had a prospect call me up and say, “My friends and family have insisted I write my story.” But when I asked him the obvious question, “What is the story?” he couldn’t give me a quick and succinct answer. Instead, he talked about a lot of things: being of service…

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